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niu hotel speicherstadt

An architectural competition was held in 2017 for the hotel and commercial building, which will form the prominent conclusion of the new urban development “Warehouse City Potsdam”. In addition to wolff:architekten, the invitees included the offices of Müller Reimann, Hilmer Sattler, Hascher Jehle and Giorgio Gullotta. 

Wolff:architekten were able to assert themselves with a design that, in addition to 180 guest rooms, also provides space for restaurants, small retail shops and a local supplier. In terms of urban planning, the building forms a clear block edge, but opens up to the new quarter with a generally accessible inner courtyard. As a kind of structured town square, this can be reached from the direction of the main train station through a passage and ends in a wide flight of steps from which there is a view of the Havel. 

The lively roof landscape, which is created by selectively raising the attic, manages almost entirely without technical structures. The facade is divided into light brick areas and convex and concave plaster surfaces and is lively and dynamic despite its clear structure.




photos wolff:architekten, nakatomi architectural visualizations

press / publications


märkische allgemeine

Wettbewerb 2017 1. Preis

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