We are pleased about the 1st prize in the design competition for the residence of the German Embassy Tel Aviv / Israel! Based on Gustav Düsing's design strategy “Eco-Minimalism” – the questioning of material- and energy-intensive comfort claims – the existing building of the residence (instead of a demolition and a new construction), is covered only by an ultra-light and changeable umbrella as a steel-wood hybrid construction. For the preservation and optimization of the existing building, wolff:architekten bring their decades of experience in the fields of “building on” and “building in the existing”.
Additional support by Ana Filipovic Mecke, Architekten für nachhaltiges Bauen, Walsrode (Bauphysik), Bollinger+Grohmann, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christoph Gengnagel, Dipl.-Ing. Leopold Haas (Statik), Dehne Kruse BrandschutzIngenieure, Braunschweig
